As promised here are the instructions for my "eggshell crackle" finish. I was going to show you step by step photos but the first two steps don't show up in a photograph and that leaves only one more step.
Step 1: Using Delta Ceramcoat "Step One" Fine Crackle Finish, apply with an old 3/4" brush like the one in the photograph. Don't use a sponge brush because it will foam up and get bubbles in the finish. Apply an even coat over your painted picture. You can also crackle paper. The thicker the coat, the larger the cracks. You'll want to practice with this on a scrap piece first to find out how thick to put it on. Too light a coat and believe me, you won't be able to see the crackling. Too heavy a coat, and you'll have large cracks.
Step 2: When step one is dry (about 15-20 minutes) apply "Step Two" Fine Crackle Finish using your 3/4" brush. Apply like you would varnish. As step two dries you will begin to see the finish crackle. Let dry overnight.
Step 3: Apply Delta Ceramcoat Brown Antiquing Gel with a sponge brush or your 3/4" brush. Using a cotton cloth immediately wipe off the excess until you get the look you want. If you remove too much, reapply and try again. Allow to dry for one hour before varnishing.
I've tried several other brands of crackle medium and this is my favorite. Remember that "Step One" is the key to the overall outcome. So apply a even somewhat heavy coat. It's also easier if your first project is small. If you can't find these products, let me know.
You will have to click on the next two photos for a closer view to see the crackling. For larger furniture pieces like this I use the same products, but use a 4" Purdy trim brush. You have to work rather quickly on large pieces when applying step one.